ARC ROM Diamonds S.R.L.
  • Phone: 0040.264.455109
  • Fax: 0040.264.260898


Crystal Rep

Hydro repellent crystallizzat ion treatment for dull marble, agglomerate, natural stone and cement surfaces

General properties

CRYSTALREP is a hydrorepellent crystallization treatment that re-polishes the stones surface due to a chemical reaction caused between the acidic components contained inside the product and the stone surface, breaking down the old, dull surface and forming a new, harder and glossy stone surface and creating a water/dirt protection layer on top of the treated surface. CRYSTALREP is highly recommended to be applied on dull marble, agglomerate natural stone and cement surfaces, that due to high traffic situations they loose their original polish and become hard to maintain. Once applied, CRISTALREP will give a mirror like finish with a degree of slip resistance.

Directions for use

Remove all object‘s and furniture from the area or areas to be cleaned. Protect or tape all corners and edges from eventual product spills. Dust mop the surface to remove all surface dirt and debris. Do not apply to wet surfaces. Shake vigorously the product before proceeding with application. Apply by spray, in a controlled manner, a small amount of CRYSTALREP onto a workable floor area and proceed to polish immediately using a slow mono brush machine (150-175 rpm) and a steel wool pad (n° 0-3) or a grey nylon felt pad. Once treatment is finished it’s recommended to wash the floors surface using a solution of water and TERGON.


Maintain polished floor surface using CLEAN STONE, a daily pH neutral detergent for stone surfaces.

Where to apply

For dull or consumed marble, granite, agglomerate natural stone and cement floors. Highly recommended to be used in high traffic public areas. Note: the product will give the best results only with calcareous based materials such as; marbles, limestone, agglomerates and terrazzo surfaces.


The product is ready for use. Do not apply in temperatures under +10°C. Stock in room temperatures above +0°C. Before application a small discreet area should be tested to verify the suitability of the product on the stone to be treated. Do not apply on wet or dirty surfaces. Keep the product well closed and out of the reach from children.


Indicative coverage applying two coats of the product on surfaces of medium absorption is 50-60 m² / lt. (55-65 sq.ft. / lt.)


Boxes of 12 containers of 1lt and 4 containers of 5 lt