ARC ROM Diamonds S.R.L.
  • Phone: 0040.264.455109
  • Fax: 0040.264.260898


TOTAL WET: The new professional “WET LOOK”’ water proof sealer

TOTAL WET waterproofs and enhances the color and design of internal and external stone, masonry, brick, slate and pavers surfaces. TOTAL WET is very resistant to high foot traffic and will not deteriorate or yellow over time. The superior water repellency and dirt resistance of TOTAL WET is due to its technologically advanced formulation, protecting and colour enhancing the stone for a long period of time.

TOTAL WET does not change the natural aspect of the stone or to the sanded grout surface and it will not create any type of film or plastic effect, while allowing vapour to escape. UV resistant.TOTAL WET operates in the microporosities of materials giving a permanent “wet” effect.